Mods Description
This is a set of three in game doors that I modified.
The original of the above two are the ones on the left and the modified is on the right. I needed something that will be of the same height with the normal modern windows and so modified these two
The next is Modern Wooden Door with Frosted Glass Plus Short Sidelights and Transom in 9 Colors
The above is a modified version of the The Modern Wooden Door Plus Short Sidelights and Transom and The Modern Wooden Door with Frosted Glass Insets. The base ones are the first two from the left and the modified on the extreme right
All of the above have the same colour options as the original and available under the doors category at the following cost
The Yes Siree Door-§170
The Seeing Glass Door-§50
The next is Modern Wooden Door with Frosted Glass Plus Short Sidelights and Transom-§450
Polygon Counts:
The Yes Siree Door
High/Medium Lod-234 Poly
Low lod-40 Poly
The Seeing Glass Door
High Lod-198 Poly
Medium Lod-40 Poly
The next is Modern Wooden Door with Frosted Glass Plus Short Sidelights and Transom
High/Medium Lod-346 Poly
Low Lod-64 Poly
Additional Credits: